I’m joined again by postcard enthusiast and sticker aficionado, Jim Lynch.
Long-time listeners of the show will recognize Jim from episode 60, where we talked about his extensive foray into the postcard world. In this episode, we expand on that topic…here’s a list of what you’’ll here us discuss in this eclectic episode:
- Stickers (including the Antiquarian Sticker Book)
- Postcrossing
- Art Throw Down
- Adult Coloring Books
- Where’s George Postcard Exchange
- Sent Postcard Cataloging System
- SF Postcrossing Facebook Group
- World Postcard Day
- Where to Find Postcards
- Postcards from Singapore Post
- Food Packaging Postcards
- Covid Postcards
- Pandemic Philately FB Group
- Delcampe Auction Site
- USPS Cancellation Sorters
- Travel Trinkets Canada Postcards
You can find Jim on Instagram @jlynch9923

GREAT show! Our Jim is a wonderful guest! I Love his enthusiasm and his upbeat reactions to Life and postcarding! I Appreciate his telling those of us in the San Francisco Bay Area PostCrossers group about this podcast!
Magda for your 100th episode?
Thank you! So glad you found the show…Jim is such a terrific guy. Also, Magda for episode 100 is a good idea!
I’m a crazy sticker addicted, so I particularly enjoyed this show!!! It’s true that decorating postcards and snailmail in general with lots of cute stickers adds up a lot of fun to this amazing hobby!
Jim spreads so much positiveness and enthusiasm that he definitely has changed my mood on this dark and rainy day!
Thanks a lot for this interesting podcast Frank!Great job as usual!
Jim Lynch you are the BEST!!! Love your Philatelist ENTHUSIASM!!! So grateful we met at one of the Postcrossing Meet Up your positive energy is so contagious!!! THANK YOU FOR ALL THE JOY YOU SHARE WITH THE SNAIL MAIL WORLD!!!! xoxoxo