Episode 138: Jamo Collects Pokemon Cards and Postcards

Jamo went from a collection that started with four Pokemon cards to more than four hundred. Fast. And he knows a lot about collectibility. I talk to him about it. And then I have a few notes from my recent time on the road.

2 comments on Episode 138: Jamo Collects Pokemon Cards and Postcards

  1. Ana says:

    Collecting is so much fun! I feel the same joy Jamo feels when he gets a perfect Pokémon card when I get my postcards or I organize my collections of letters or my books. I think is love in another form. And you can share it with others that feel the same way you do. Loved this show! I have a 6 year old at home and they are so fun to talk to.

    1. Frank says:

      Thank you. I’m glad when the little ones have such an interest in art and mail.

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