Episode 141: The Finale
There is no real ending. It’s just the place where you stop the story. Frank Hebert The Postcardist Podcast: February 2, 2018 to February 23, 2023 This is where...
Episode 140: Melissa Reed Has 12,000 Postcards to Send
I talked with Melissa Reed about postcards, letter writing, and how she has accumulated 12,000 postcards at her house in Italy. And she wants to send them to people.
Previous POSTS
Episode 139: Albert the Basset Hound and Postcard Design Inspiration with Magda from Travel Trinkets Canada
Maggie and I talk about her prolific set of postcard designs at Travel Trinkets Canada. We, of course, also talk about...
Episode 138: Jamo Collects Pokemon Cards and Postcards
Jamo went from a collection that started with four Pokemon cards to more than four hundred. Fast. And he knows a...
Episode 137: The Seinfeld Episode
This is a show about nothing. But I spend 53 minutes talking about it.
Episode 136: Postcard Designer and Artist Nina Lakusta
What’s the worst postcard you ever got? And can you top the story Nina tells about hers? In this episode I’m...
Episode 135: Accidentally Wes Anderson: The Postcards
I ordered two sets of Accidentally Wes Anderson: The Postcards in July. And then I kept looking at looking at the...
Episode 134: Kenneth J. Weiss of the Midrust Postcard Project
Every postcard has a story. That’s what writer and historian Kenneth J. Weiss says about his postcard collection. In this episode,...
Show Host

Frank Roche
I'm the host of The Postcardist Podcast. I really should be in the studio with headphones on talking into a microphone, but I liked how pretty the day was at my postcard writing desk.
Featured Guests
We have had some really terrific guests on Postcardist. These are just three of many. Click on their pictures for more information.