
E16: Frank Warren of PostSecret

This is a special snapshot of who we were in the world for a very specific moment in time.
–Frank Warren of PostSecret, talking about sending postcards in this episode of Postcardist.

In this special episode of the Postcardist podcast, I interview Frank Warren of PostSecret, “an ongoing community art project where people mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard.” We talk about Frank’s early start with postcards, the million+ cards he’s received and read, and the connections postcards make in the world.

You can see new PostSecrets every Sunday on the site. And you can see Frank’s TED Talk here. The San Diego Museum of Man exhibit we talk about in the show is here. And Frank has written six best-selling books.

And if you want to send a postcard to PostSecret, here’s the address:

This is a show you’ll want to listen to more than once. Thanks so much to Frank Warren for being on the show.


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Music in this episode:

SOLO ACOUSTIC GUITAR by Jason Shaw is licensed under a Attribution 3.0 United States License.  Music sourced from Free Music Archive.

Jeepneys in Manila

That’s a Jeepney in the Philippines. They’re a very popular form of transportation around the country, says Jens Meiners in Car and Driver:

Jeepneys are the Philippines’ most popular form of public transportation, and they are a pure anachronism. They got their start as Willys Jeeps left behind when American GIs departed the Philippines at the end of World War II. Filipinos then began recycling them as buses with bodies made from galvanized or stainless steel, fabric covers instead of side windows, and longitudinally mounted benches with room for 20 (or more) passengers. Those beginnings are still apparent, despite the cheeky Mercedes-Benz stars affixed to the front of many modern Jeepneys.

This postcard took almost two months to arrive in the U.S. from Manila. I wonder if it was delivered on a Jeepney.