E25: Postcards in a Digital World

Instagram is the the postcard of this time. That’s what Professor John Murphy said to me as we talked about the intersection of postcards and the digital world. John teaches in the Digital Media & Design school at the University of Connecticut.

We talk about how postcards fit into an instant gratification world, the collection of postcards his father sent his mother on his travels around the world in the military, and how postcards work to connect us in a hyper-connected world.

Music in the episode is Japanese Prog by Rushus and is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (aka Music Sharing) 3.0 International License.

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2 comments on E25: Postcards in a Digital World

  1. Georgie says:

    May 2011 – Just hearing this for the first time. Now you are over 100 podcasts! I always learn so much about things I might not come across if I was just left to my own devices. I had to look up the MoMath. Yes, so many possibilities for Math inspired postcards that they could do. fractals, PII, geometry, etc. Opportunity missed.
    I was surprised to hear you mention Intercourse, Pennsylvania. I first hear about this village because there is a quilt shop called, The Old Country Store in that village which got 2nd runner up in a National quilt contest (2021) for you favourite local quilt shop. I wondered if there were postcards with the village name on them because I would buy those. Alas, they have more than six thousand bolts of fabric but no postcards when I searched the online shop. Here is a website that explains the name (sort of) http://www.villageofintercourse.com/

    1. Frank says:

      More than 100! I do have some postcards from Intercourse, Pennsylvania that say, “We have Intercourse” along with a scene of a barn in a field. Makes me laugh every time.

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