E28: Postcards from the Edge (Part 1)

What happens when a person who creates highly engaged artistic communities gets on the phone with a guy who makes podcasts about postcards? I’ll give you a hint — it’s not a short conversation. (We talked for more than three hours.)

In this episode, I talk to Kitty, the creator and curator of Postcards from the Edge, an Instagram community built on a simple idea: send-receive-connect. And, of course, they do it with postcards.

Kitty built huge IG communities that feature curated content, including UrbanRomantix and ArkiRomatix. And now she’s doing the same at Postcards from the Edge, along with her collaborators Gitti, Jess and Josh, all of whom are terrific photographers and creatives, as well as being super interactive administrators of PftE. (And now, there’s a Postcards from the Edge group on Facebook.)

In a disconnected and social media heavy world, we’re all looking for more of a connection. And if you’re into authenticity, this is your show. In addition to the long conversation Kitty and I had about postcards, we also talk about creative enterprises and the splendor of Silver City, New Mexico. Wondering about items and places we talk about? Here are some links:

Power and Light Press

Syzygy Tile

Lantern Press Postcards

And coming up in Part 2, we talk about the possibility of a postcard meetup; visiting Mexico City; and the photographers Jen Dagley, 3Z Moon, and Rachel Nyssen.


Music in the episode is Japanese Prog by Rushus and is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (aka Music Sharing) 3.0 International License.

Get The Postcardist Podcast for free: Apple Podcasts | Android | Stitcher | TuneIn


4 comments on E28: Postcards from the Edge (Part 1)

  1. Fiona Austin says:

    Great interview…I’m so glad to hear that I’m nit the only one who has spreadsheets and photographs their postcards, front and back..
    looking forward to the the next instalment!

    1. Frank says:

      I’m editing Part 2 now…and it’s equally terrific. Kitty is fabulous.

  2. Anne says:

    Just listening to podcast.. I have just joined this fab project, through Instagram.. I send postcards too.. I buy them.. And do exactky the same.. Go to the post office and buy stamps. And hand write. I send to my grandchildren on my travels. My Collection started with a handwritten letter from Norway.. . And all from Blogger Friends.. I love buying cards and posting.. Choosing them is special.

    1. Frank says:

      Hi Anne, sory, I’ve been out of town for the past six days. Wanted to say hoe much I appreciate you listening to the podcast…and yes, handwritten notes are so special…they get kept.

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