E36: The Postcardist Podcast By The Numbers

In this episode, I talk about the numbers of incoming and outgoing postcards so far at Postcardist World Headquarters. I also talk about terrific postcard designers and sellers including:

Chloë McHenry at Parcel Tongue Paper Co.

Sara McNally at Constellation & Co.

Erick Sahler

Camilla D’Erico

Jasmine Becket-Griffith

Max and Co. Post


and many others.


4 comments on E36: The Postcardist Podcast By The Numbers

  1. Jess Mand says:

    Frank – So interesting to hear the numbers – both incoming and outgoing.

    Here’s an idea: What if you bought (or created) a set of stamps … each one would have a part of a sentence or phrase on it. You could simply stamp your message each time!

    Things like: hi there… Thinking of you… How’s the weather… Or maybe stamp a joke and punchline?

    That might make it easier for you. So you could send more than 20 postcards a week if you wanted to!

    1. Frank says:

      Haha…brilliant…I like the Mad Libs style…I need that…thing is, I’m not sure I want to keep sending 20 cards a week. I’m thinking I’d like to connect with fewer people more meaningfully.

  2. Beck says:

    Not for nothing, but I made a resolution for this year(2019) to write 100 postcards/letters and I kinda psyched myself out at the “huge number” that is 100……so fast forward to mid-March and I’m already at 42. Turns out I write a crap-ton of cards and I never knew that!
    Now I’m curious to see what is a. Average Year for me actually looks like.
    Anyhoo, thanks for this NUMBERS episode. I’ve been taking them out if order obviously.

    1. Frank says:

      100 is a great number…100 people get smiles. I love it…and you clearly are going beyond your goal!

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