E66: Ashli Ahrens and the Post Office Murals First Day of Issue Event

In this episode I’m delighted to welcome back Ashli Ahrens of Mailbox Memories to talk about a First Day of Issue event she attended to celebrate the issue of the Post Office Mural stamp set. In the show Ashli refers to to a special giveaway she created. You can find her @mailboxmemories on IG.

A set of links to items mentioned during the show:

Evan Kalish’s Living New Deal post about the post office murals

USPS YouTube video of the Post Office Murals FDOI (1:11)

Post masters: Arkansas post office art in the New Deal by John Gill

Things to do in Piggott, Arkansas 

The Inn at Piggott

Jeff Bezos and the 10,000 postcards launched into space

First Day Cover address and dates

Santa Claus, Indiana

3 comments on E66: Ashli Ahrens and the Post Office Murals First Day of Issue Event

  1. Stephanie Jett says:

    Thank you for featuring the FDOI ceremony in Piggott, AR on your podcast. We were honored to be chosen as the host site. Piggott is my hometown. I remember looking at the mural in our Post Office as a child when my grandmother would bring me with her to buy stamps. Being the Postmaster here is truly special to me, (the first female Postmaster). I was thrilled to be part of this event! I’m so glad Ashli enjoyed her visit to Piggott. We do our best to make everyone feel welcome. By the way, there is a bandstand, (gazebo), on the court square! All part of our small town charm…

    Stephanie Jett
    Piggott, AR

    1. Frank says:

      Hello, Postmaster! First, I’m honored you listened to the show. And as you heard, I want to visit Piggott, too. And now that we know a bandstand (gazebo) is there, all the better. Congratulations on putting on such a terrific event. And again, I’m so delighted to hear from you. This makes my day.

  2. Teresa Edmunds says:

    This podcast episode got me interested in cancellation marks. It was very enjoyable. And a fun/odd little thing that happened while I was listening to this, I got a spam call from none other than….Piggott, Arkansas! What are the odds?!

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