Episode 132: Ale the Philatelist

Here’s Ale in front of her Blue Stamp art project that took her a year-and-a-half to complete

Stamps. And postcards. And connections. Thats’s what Ale the Philatelist and I talked about on this show.

Ale collects stamps. You’ll have to hear her story about building an art installation using blue stamps she sourced from people she connected with around the world. She also collects postcards. And makes friends.

This is a show about community. And about how postcards (and stamps) connect people.

You can find Ale on Instagram at Ale the Philatelist.

Happiness is sharing postcards and creating connections.

4 comments on Episode 132: Ale the Philatelist

  1. Ana says:

    I loved this show. You both had so much fun! And yes, you said it first: postcards connect people and that is awesome.

    1. Frank says:

      That’s so nice. There are such good people in our community.

  2. John A says:

    Enjoyed listening to your conversation and I agree with the points each of you made and feel/felt the same sending and receiving postcards. I recently got a very nice and interesting postcard from a ‘postcrosser’ in Germany who, in her comment on the card, told me about the postage stamp used to send the card; it featured the world’s first and longest social housing project, the ‘Fuggerei’, which was built in 1516 by the merchant Jakob Fugger.
    Stickers; I avoid using glitter and request people not to use glitter on correspondence to me and I also try to avoid stickers made of plastic. The best stickers are those made solely of paper.
    Kind regars.

    1. Frank says:

      Thank you, John. One thing I love about postcarding is the the continuous learning. And you taught me something new today. Thank you for that.

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