Today is Mardi Gras. Or Carnival. Ever been to one of those celebrations? Did you get beads? Eat a King Cake? Wear a carnival mask in Venice?
I got postcards. Let the good times roll.
And if you’d a movie to watch on this day, how about Dennis Quaid as Remy McSwain and Ellen Barkin as Anne Osborne in The Big Easy. It includes one of the hottest two lines ever said on screen after an awkward encounter with a lot of bashfulness.
Anne: That’s okay. I never did have much luck with sex anyway.
Remy: Your luck’s about to change, cher.
Carnaval used to be a big thing decades ago and they tried to bring it back but now it is only part of the end of summer. People go out for the long weekend and kids play with little water balloons. I want king cake!
Nice cards for this day!!
I went to Whole Foods today to look for a King Cake. But that’s really a Southern thing and they don’t seem to have them here. I was wondering if you had a Carnival tradition. Up here, the Connecticut Yankees don’t party much. They’re the direct decedents of the Puritans.
Look up for El carnaval del país. It is not Rio but it is a great party! Every weekend you have them playing and dancing in Gualeguaychú during summertime. And King Cake looks soooo good!
What an unexpected end to this post. That is one of my favs.. great film, great music.. real life Cajun band (Balfa Brothers) make an, edgy movie..
That movie was so good. And when he said that to her…whew! I have the soundtrack on vinyl…and played it today!