I was sorting through my stack of incoming cards today after I finished a podcast interview (I’ll publish that on February 9) and saw this grouping of colors on postcards that made this cold day much brighter.
First up is this postcard from Nan featuring a watercolor painting in such warm colors. The painting is titled Anza Trail-Coyote Canyon (1996) by Armand F Vallée. The postcard was published by the Anzo Borrreo Foundation.

Next, this Postcrossing meeting card from Kaluga, Russia sent by Valery. That town was celebrating its 650th anniversary and this card captures the warmth of that celebration.

Warmth…yes. What’s warmer than a pair of VW Microbusses on a Southern California beach, surfboards at the ready? And what we don’t see in this picture is Nikita ready to splash into the surf and own the waves.

Yes, that’s the World’s Largest Swatch at Expo 86 in Vancouver, B.C. And Betsy was a little girl and got to see it. Lucky me, here it is on a postcard.

Life in the Adirondacks looks absolutely perfect around now, Joe. Look at that late summer sunset and the canoe on Canada Lake.

Clocky has a wonderful podcast called Sent from Disneyland. And sure enough, he does what he says — he sends postcards from Disneyland.

Last up on this technicolor extravaganza is from Joyce Miller, Joyce is a writer, and clearly creativity runs in her family because her cousin Bob created what he calls tessel-kaleidoscopes. This is a real beauty.

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What a great selection. The last one is perfect. I promise myself I will someday learn to read Russian. And living in cities that can be 650 years old, wow. That is definitely the old world.
I liked the look of all seven of the cards together. Such warm colors.
You are right, they do look good together!
Hi, this is Joyce’s cousin Bob. Thank you for the kind words about one of my artistic efforts.
You can see more examples at
Early in the pandemic I started creating these sized for use as zoom backgrounds. You can find many of those at
(Be aware that it may take some time for either of those pages to completely load.)
Bob, that card you crated is super. I’ve always been fascinated with kaleidoscopes since I was a child. And the tessellated art you made from that ind of image is super cool. And works nicely on that format. So nice of Joyce to send it to me.
And thank you for the links. I dig your work.
That was a wonderful day. Near Kaluga there’s a national park Ugra- a wonderful place. I sent this postcard and went to the forest . We spent night in a tent listening to the sound of small rain. Next day was wonderful, sunny a warm. We swam and play board games.
That sounds like a magical time in such a beautiful place. Wow.