I’d like my spirit animal to be a tiger, even If it’s more likely my spirit animal is a sloth. These incoming cards make me wanna be a tiger even more.
Hey, if I quote William Blake’s The Tyger will I earn more tiger energy? Funny side note: I once spent an entire day at Tiger Balm Gardens in Singapore.
Look at those postcards! Powerful because of such a beast as the tiger and those vibrant colors.
Haha, you made me laugh about the sloth. That is perfect for a t-shirt: sloth at heart.
Sloth at Heart! That would be a great t-shirt. Accurate for me. When I feel scientific I say I’m falling toward entropy. But what I really mean is I’m a Sloth at Heart.
For me it would have to be: heart of a tiger, body of a sloth
This one made me snort. Haha…I’m going with that chimera, too.
These are amazing postcards! And Frank, you can be any spirit animal you want and feel free to let it change day today.
I like that idea…let it change as the mood hits me!