Masonry: 4 Columns

Jump, Jive, and Whale

When I think about titles for stories, I often have a song pop in my head. I dare you to resist dancing along to this song. I did a little dancing when by some coincidence these three whale postcards arrived in my mailbox. Thanks so much to Nikita Regina, Anne, and Dave. When I got...

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Episode 129: Atelier Jean d’Eaux Postcard Mystery

When a set of postcards started arriving at my house over the course of a week from Atelier Jean d’Eaux, I knew I was in for a mystery. The artist gained notice initially for sending sets of cards cut from record albums to chefs in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. That set off a series of articles by...

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Postcards: A Space Story

It’s 2003. OG and I just finished our 13-hour shift painting a giant mural of the world’s largest lobster on the side of Lobster Shack, when my flip phone rings. I look at the caller ID: European Space Agency. I answer. “You’ve been chosen,” the caller says. “We’ve been chosen,” I yell to OG from...

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New Additions to My Travel Trinkets Canada Postcard Collection

Magda sent me a gift of new sets of designs she created to add to the very impressive body of work at Travel Trinkets Canada. I’m proud to say I have all the cards Magda has created. It’s not often a person can say they have a compete set in a collection. I now have...

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If I Could Talk with the Animals

I was having a Dr. Doolittle moment when I looked at this set of incoming postcards. They all feature animals — and some very good stories. Plus, now I’m singing along to a song from long ago. Isn’t it amazing we can recall lyrics we haven’t heard in years?

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Sassy Sasquatch Sunday: March 6, 2022

Look at the va-va-voom on this Fabulous Queen of the Land and Sea. This Little Mermaid has a Biggie attitude. Betsy called her Hariel; a combination of Hairy Sasquatch and Ariel. This one who’s working to strike the pose can exist as a siren who lures sailors to their watery graves, and reign as the...

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Tyger Tyger, burning bright

I’d like my spirit animal to be a tiger, even If it’s more likely my spirit animal is a sloth. These incoming cards make me wanna be a tiger even more. Hey, if I quote William Blake’s The Tyger will I earn more tiger energy? Funny side note: I once spent an entire day at...

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Let the Good Times Roll

Today is Mardi Gras. Or Carnival. Ever been to one of those celebrations? Did you get beads? Eat a King Cake? Wear a carnival mask in Venice? I got postcards. Let the good times roll. And if you’d a movie to watch on this day, how about Dennis Quaid as Remy McSwain and Ellen Barkin...

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