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Episode 141: The Finale
There is no real ending. It’s just the place where you stop the story. Frank Hebert The Postcardist Podcast: February 2, 2018 to February 23, 2023 This is where we stop the story.
Episode 140: Melissa Reed Has 12,000 Postcards to Send
I talked with Melissa Reed about postcards, letter writing, and how she has accumulated 12,000 postcards at her house in Italy. And she wants to send them to people.
Episode 139: Albert the Basset Hound and Postcard Design Inspiration with Magda from Travel Trinkets Canada
Maggie and I talk about her prolific set of postcard designs at Travel Trinkets Canada. We, of course, also talk about Albert Pickle the 3rd, her very handsome Basset Hound, who is featured in a recent collection. You can find Travel Trinkets Canada on Etsy by clicking here. And you can find Magda’s work on...
Episode 138: Jamo Collects Pokemon Cards and Postcards
Jamo went from a collection that started with four Pokemon cards to more than four hundred. Fast. And he knows a lot about collectibility. I talk to him about it. And then I have a few notes from my recent time on the road.
Episode 137: The Seinfeld Episode
This is a show about nothing. But I spend 53 minutes talking about it.
Episode 136: Postcard Designer and Artist Nina Lakusta
What’s the worst postcard you ever got? And can you top the story Nina tells about hers? In this episode I’m joined by Nina Lakusta, the proprietor of the postcard and ephemera store LakuStash. We talk about her postcard designs, driving lessons, illustration, and yes, the world’s worst postcard. You can find Nina on Instagram...
Episode 135: Accidentally Wes Anderson: The Postcards
I ordered two sets of Accidentally Wes Anderson: The Postcards in July. And then I kept looking at looking at the AWA Instagram site, anticipating the U.S. release of those cards on October 11. Yes, I knew the date. This was exciting stuff. Guess what? As soon as I saw the postcards I knew I...
Episode 134: Kenneth J. Weiss of the Midrust Postcard Project
Every postcard has a story. That’s what writer and historian Kenneth J. Weiss says about his postcard collection. In this episode, Ken tells us about his Midrust Postcard Project and tells stories about several cards he has. And we talk about baseball cards. You can find Ken’s writing and work at KennethJWeiss.com. And on Instagram...
Episode 133: World Postcard Day 2022…and Tomatoes
In which I talk about World Postcard Day 2022; question why I have so many blank postcards; and an idea I have about being Johnny Tomatoseed. And here’s the official postcard for WPD 2022.
Episode 132: Ale the Philatelist
Stamps. And postcards. And connections. Thats’s what Ale the Philatelist and I talked about on this show. Ale collects stamps. You’ll have to hear her story about building an art installation using blue stamps she sourced from people she connected with around the world. She also collects postcards. And makes friends. This is a show...
Episode 131: Santa Fe Sticker Fest with Marti Mills and Sylvanus Paul
The work that Marti Mills and Sylvanus Paul are doing with Santa Fe Sticker Fest is really interesting. And there’s a postcard link. Do you add stickers to your postcards? After this thought-provoking show, you will. You can submit stickers for the curated collection by sending them to: You can find Santa Fe Sticker Fest...
Episode 130: Ana Writes about Postcards and Letters: A Show with Ana Padovani of Cartas y Postales
What are the odds anyone is going to read an email 50 years from that you wrote about a trip you took this year? But what if you wrote details in letters and postcards? The odds go up considerably. Ana Padovani, the writer of Cartas y Postales is doing just that: looking at a series...
Honky Tonk Women: Adventures with OG and The Rolling Stones
Did I ever tell you about that time OG called me under cover of the night and said “I’m just waiting on a friend” in a mysterious voice when I asked what was happening. Never one to miss out on an Adventure with OG, I hopped out of bed, ran a comb across my head,...
Adventures with OG: You Get What You Need
Imagine me at the Platzl Hotel in Munich this past Sunday. I had just wrapped up the European swing of the Peace, Love & Postcards World Tour and I thought I’d cool my heels in Bavaria. Plus, it was a special day. I checked with the front desk to see if I had any messages...
More Naughty Bits
Did you ever see the Monty Python skit called Naughty Bits? That show used to make me laugh. The essence of the skit was there were things they couldn’t say or show on television in the 1970s, so every time the troupe wanted to do a blue joke they’d say, now for more naughty bits....
Postcards: A Curated Video Collection
Even though we participate in the slow communication genre, there are new ways to learn about postcards and postcard history in new media. I’ve curated a few videos for you to watch that give a look at postcard history. (Plus a couple fun ones to add a little spice to our lives.) Last evening the...
Jump, Jive, and Whale
When I think about titles for stories, I often have a song pop in my head. I dare you to resist dancing along to this song. I did a little dancing when by some coincidence these three whale postcards arrived in my mailbox. Thanks so much to Nikita Regina, Anne, and Dave. When I got...
Episode 129: Atelier Jean d’Eaux Postcard Mystery
When a set of postcards started arriving at my house over the course of a week from Atelier Jean d’Eaux, I knew I was in for a mystery. The artist gained notice initially for sending sets of cards cut from record albums to chefs in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. That set off a series of articles by...
Postcards: A Space Story
It’s 2003. OG and I just finished our 13-hour shift painting a giant mural of the world’s largest lobster on the side of Lobster Shack, when my flip phone rings. I look at the caller ID: European Space Agency. I answer. “You’ve been chosen,” the caller says. “We’ve been chosen,” I yell to OG from...
New Additions to My Travel Trinkets Canada Postcard Collection
Magda sent me a gift of new sets of designs she created to add to the very impressive body of work at Travel Trinkets Canada. I’m proud to say I have all the cards Magda has created. It’s not often a person can say they have a compete set in a collection. I now have...
If I Could Talk with the Animals
I was having a Dr. Doolittle moment when I looked at this set of incoming postcards. They all feature animals — and some very good stories. Plus, now I’m singing along to a song from long ago. Isn’t it amazing we can recall lyrics we haven’t heard in years?
Sassy Sasquatch Sunday: March 6, 2022
Look at the va-va-voom on this Fabulous Queen of the Land and Sea. This Little Mermaid has a Biggie attitude. Betsy called her Hariel; a combination of Hairy Sasquatch and Ariel. This one who’s working to strike the pose can exist as a siren who lures sailors to their watery graves, and reign as the...
Tyger Tyger, burning bright
I’d like my spirit animal to be a tiger, even If it’s more likely my spirit animal is a sloth. These incoming cards make me wanna be a tiger even more. Hey, if I quote William Blake’s The Tyger will I earn more tiger energy? Funny side note: I once spent an entire day at...
Let the Good Times Roll
Today is Mardi Gras. Or Carnival. Ever been to one of those celebrations? Did you get beads? Eat a King Cake? Wear a carnival mask in Venice? I got postcards. Let the good times roll. And if you’d a movie to watch on this day, how about Dennis Quaid as Remy McSwain and Ellen Barkin...
Sasquatch Sunday: February 27, 2022
This is quite a Sasquatch Sunday. I’ve added several items to The World’s Largest Bigfoot Postcard Collection™ this week, including Pie Grande, the first postcard I have of Bigfoot named in Spanish. (Muchas gracias a Daniel por esta postal de Pie Grande desde Cancun, México.) It’s funny, collecting Bigfoot cards started out as a lark....